
The FARMcurious Store has everything you need to get started or even master home cheesemaking. From starter kits to books and cultures, we have it all here.

One Hour Dairy-Free Cheese - Book by Claudia Lucero

It doesn't get simpler or more rewarding than fresh cheeses made in less than an hour!

$ 18.95

Homemade Yogurt & Kefir - Book by Gianaclis Caldwell

In Homemade Yogurt & Kefir, cheesemaker and small-scale dairy producer Gianaclis Caldwell opens the door for fermentation enthusiasts and dairy devotees to make and use yogurt and kefir in the home kitchen. She explores the many culture choices and techniques for working with cow, goat, sheep, water buffalo, and even some plant milks.

$ 19.95

Say Cheese! Kids Cheesemaking Book by Ricki & Sarah Carroll

A fun guide for kids and families. Step-by-step photos take kids ages 8–12 through the cheese making process, then teach them how to make 12 classic favorites, including mozzarella, feta, ricotta, and cream cheese.

$ 18.95

The Home Creamery - Book by Kathy Farrell-Kingsley

Simple instructions for making many of the creamy, fresh cheeses you love.

$ 16.95 Unavailable

Home Cheesemaking Book, 4th Edition by Ricki Carroll

Learn to make artisanal cheeses and dairy products in your home kitchen!

$ 24.95

Farmers' Cheese Kit

This kit has all you need to make one of the easiest and most satisfying cheeses. Includes instructions and some ideas for how to use your farmers cheese.

$ 15.00

Real Food Fermentation - Book by Alex Lewin

A great primer on all the basics - from choosing the best ingredients, recipes for tons of fermented foods you and your family will love, plus how to fix anything that goes wrong and adapt recipes to suit your taste.

$ 24.99

Cultured Foods For Your Kitchen

Recipes to bring more culture (cultured foods, that is) into your cooking!

$ 29.95

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