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The FARMcurious store sells products and kits to educate, inspire and equip people interested in reconnecting with and learning about their food and its origins.

Pocket Thermometer

A necessary tool for cheese and yogurt making.

$ 7.99

Calcium Chloride - 2 oz

Useful for helping your homemade cheese set.

$ 5.95

Lipase Powder

Lipase is an enzyme that boosts the flavor of cheese, especially mozzarella and feta. If you feel like your fresh mozzarella is lacking that rich, buttery flavor of a slightly more aged mozz, lipase is the solution you're looking for.

$ 11.95

Citric Acid

Use with quick cheeses, like mozzarella.

$ 6.75

Cheese Form – Personal Size - 4-pack

For draining small batches of your favorite homemade cheese.

$ 10.00

Butter Muslin

A tight-weave cheesecloth ideal for cheesemaking, yogurt, and more.

$ 12.00

Replacement Stoppers for FARMcurious Fermenting Set 2-pack

Don't let a lost stopper keep you from your fermenting fun!

$ 5.00

Canning Funnel

Makes filling jars with hot liquids a breeze.

$ 15.00 $ 10.00

Tattler Reusable Canning Lids

Part of why you can is to REDUCE waste, right? So stop throwing away lids and rings and switch to these reusable ones!

$ 11.00 Unavailable

Canning Lid Rack

Sterilize all your canning lids in one easy move!

$ 15.00 $ 10.50

One Hour Cheese - Book by Claudia Lucero

It doesn't get simpler or more rewarding than fresh cheeses made in less than an hour!

$ 14.95