Cheesemaking Pods
COVID has kept our classes shut down for over a year and we know our customers are just as ready to get out and have some fun as we are.
Because most of our cheesemaking workshops involve groups of 4-6 people working together over a shared pot, we've been trying to work out a way that is cost-efficient to open but also keeps our guests feeling safe. The best solution we've come up with so far is cheesemaking in pods - similar to what people are doing in restaurants.
What is a cheesemaking pod?
A pod is a small group of 2-6 people with whom you feel comfortable sharing intimate meals. All guests are required to be vaccinated and you wouldn't panic if you accidentally drank out of a friend's wine glass. Maybe you already cook for each other and visit each other's homes safely. In short, you don't mind sharing a batch of cheese that you all played a role in making together.
Why do it this way?
We know this format won't work for everyone and I want you all to know it was a hard decision to come to and that it's likely temporary. Please bear with us as we do our best to climb out of the destruction the past year has afflicted on this small business.
Single Tickets:
If you're a single person or a couple who can't or prefers not to bring a group, we totally understand and we've opened up non-private tables for those who are comfortable sharing their station with strangers.
Please keep in mind each person in your group will be in relatively close quarters, manipulating the cheese together. We'll make every effort to keep it clean and sanitary but you're still sharing.
We sincerely hope you'll agree that baby steps beats going out of business.
Thanks to all of your for your patience during this very uncertain year. We hope we can all come out stronger.
Nicole & Team